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(reclaimed land)

  • 1 reclaim

    /ri'kleim/ * danh từ - past reclaim; beyond reclaim không thể cải tạo được * ngoại động từ - cải tạo, giác ngộ =to reclaim someone from a vice+ cải tạo ai làm cho chừa bỏ một tật xấu =to reclaim someone to a sense of duty+ giác ngộ cho ai có tinh thần trách nhiệm - (nông nghiệp) khai hoang, vỡ hoang; cải tạo (đất), làm khô (bâi đất lầy để cày cấy) =to reclaim land+ khai hoang đất =reclaimed land+ đất vỡ hoang - thuần hoá (thú rừng); khai hoá, làm cho văn minh =to reclaim a wild animal+ thuần hoá một thú rừng - đòi lại =to reclaim one's money+ đòi tiền lại * nội động từ - (từ hiếm,nghĩa hiếm) phản đối, khiếu nại

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > reclaim

См. также в других словарях:

  • reclaimed land — ➔ land1 * * * reclaimed land UK US noun [U] ► ENVIRONMENT, PROPERTY land that was under the sea or was in a very poor condition, but has been improved so that it can be used for farming or building on: »The houses are built on reclaimed land near …   Financial and business terms

  • reclaimed land — melioruota žemė statusas Aprobuotas sritis melioracija apibrėžtis Žemės plotas, kuriame įrengta ir veikia melioracijos sistema. nuoroda http://www3.lrs.lt/pls/inter3/dokpaieska.showdoc l?p id=227319&p query=&p tr2= atitikmenys: angl. improved… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • reclaimed land —     a) A land area composed of earthy fill material that has been placed and shaped to approximate natural contours, commonly part of land reclamation efforts after mining operations.     b) A land area, commonly submerged in its native state,… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • reclaimed land —   artificial land created in coastal areas …   Geography glossary

  • reclaimed land — See made land; reclamation …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Land reclamation — For the sense of restoration, see land restoration. Reclaimed redirects here. For other uses, see Reclaim. Reclaiming in Perth, Australia 1964 Land reclamation, usually known as reclamation, is the process to create new land from sea or riverbeds …   Wikipedia

  • land — ▪ I. land land 1 [lænd] noun [uncountable] 1. PROPERTY FARMING ground, especially ground used for building or farming on: • Land has always been a good investment. ˌarable ˈland …   Financial and business terms

  • Land reclamation —    Many polders in the provinces of Holland and Utrecht are the result of the impoldering of alluvial land outside the dikes, or of lakes that originated from storm floods. Land recla mation, especially from the 16th century, can be traced in… …   Historical Dictionary of the Netherlands

  • Land mines in Central America — are of the unfortunate by product of the cold war era conflict in the 1980s. Contrary to the requirements of generally accepted international law, the minefields of Central America were usually unmarked and unrecorded on maps. Once placed, mines… …   Wikipedia

  • Reclaimed — Reclaim Re*claim (r[ e]*kl[=a]m ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Reclaimed} (r[ e]*kl[=a]md ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Reclaiming}.] [F. r[ e]clamer, L. reclamare, reclamatum, to cry out against; pref. re re + clamare to call or cry aloud. See {Claim}.] 1. To… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • land reform — any program, esp. when undertaken by a national government, involving the redistribution of agricultural land among the landless. [1840 50, Amer.] * * * Deliberate change in the way agricultural land is held or owned, the methods of its… …   Universalium

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